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Should life insurance be a key part of your retirement plan?
Life insurance should be a vital part of your overall financial plan, specifically, if people depend on your income (e.g. your children and your spouse).
A sizable income tax-free life insurance death benefit payment is the best way to maximize the chance that your dependent's standard of living is not dramatically reduced due to your untimely demise.
In fact, income replacement is the number one factor couples site as a reason for purchasing life insurance.

Then the question becomes:
How much I really need?
For how long I will need it?
What is my Goal for it?
What type of insurance should I purchase?
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Life Insurance
Learn the basics of life insurance and how important it is for protecting your loved ones.
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How Much Life Insurance Do I need?
This short 3 min animation shows you an example of how much life insurnace someone would need should the main income earner pass away.
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Term Life Insurance vs Whole Life Insurance
How to Purchase the right Type of Life Insurance
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